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Obstructive Sleep Apnea Signs

If you’re waking yourself up several times a night with grunts, snorts or simply to breathe and your partner’s sleep patterns are suffering because of it too, you may have Obstructive Sleep Apnea.

Obstructive Sleep Apnea Signs

Another sure sign is waking up feeling like you haven’t slept a wink. Sleep Apnea will eventually wreak havoc on your life – not only interrupting sleep but causing a rash of potential health problems if left untreated.

When to ask a physician

Your partner keeps nudging you in the side to stop snoring so it’s loud enough to disturb others’ sleep. In addition, here are some other signs to make a doctor’s appointment:

  • You wake up with shortness of breath;
  • Your partner notices that your breathing stops and starts when you’re sleeping;
  • If you snore intermittently between gasps and grunts;
  • You’re sleepy during the day and could easily fall asleep at work, watching TV or even while driving.


When you sleep, your muscles relax and that includes your tongue and throat. Snoring pretty much goes hand in hand with Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Soft tissue at the back of your throat can vibrate if the air is constricted or it can collapse altogether causing your breathing to actually stop. One of the biggest causes is obesity. Being overweight is the biggest risk factor in adults.

Other risk factors include:

  • A narrow throat;
  • Being over the age of 40;
  • Tick neck;
  • Round head;
  • Hypothyroidism;
  • Allergies;
  • Nasal congestion;
  • Smoking;
  • Excessive alcohol use;
  • Family history. About 25-40 per cent of those who have the condition also have family members who suffer from it;
  • Ethnic background. Sleep apnea is more common in African-Americans, Hispanics, and those living in the Pacific Islands.

Men suffer more than women with the problem. In fact, it’s about four times more common in men. But women often develop the condition during pregnancy and after menopause.

The only real way to diagnose Sleep Apnea is by having a sleep study done which involves staying overnight in a special clinic where they’ll monitor your sleep patterns.

One of the best non-invasive methods of treating Obstructive Sleep Apnea is with a dental appliance called a mandibular advancement device that moves your jaw forward for better breathing.

You can discuss this option with the professional team at Dr. David Silberman, DDS. Together, you can make the best decision to help ease your Sleep Apnea. Give them a call today for a no-cost consultation.

Jun 27, 2016 by

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