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5 Foods That Cause Stained Teeth

5 Foods That Cause Stained Teeth

Making sure that your teeth stay healthy and white requires more than just regular brushing, flossing and trips to the dentist. It often requires monitoring what you eat and drink, especially if those foods and beverages are known to stain teeth. If you are wondering why your smile is not as white as it once was, what you are eating could be to blame. Below are five foods that cause stained teeth. Wine It’s common knowledge that red wine stains teeth – but what many people don’t realize is that white wine will discolour your teeth just the same. Wine,…

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Nov 14, 2016 by

What Are The Causes Of Tooth Discolouration?

What Causes Teeth To Become Discoloured?

Everyone wants a white smile, but there are certain things that discolour our teeth. Even so, there is always hope with the great whitening strategies available today. Acquired Yellowing We all do things that stain our teeth. It can happen from things like smoking and drinking dark-coloured drinks, like coffee, tea or cola. Eating stain-causing foods like beets can also be a culprit. Inherent Discoloring There are lots of causes for this kind of discolouration. Intrinsic stain can be caused by: Getting too much fluoride when you’re a child; Your mom taking tetracycline antibiotics during the last part of her…

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Oct 24, 2016 by